Preservation Support Policy

The level of support applied to any particular file type has been determined though digital preservation best practices and file specification analysis. PURR is invested in continuously widening the definition of sustainable formats. PURR is also committed to working with data producers to identify and analyze the sustainability of any format destined for PURR.

The following chart matches PURR’s preservation actions to each level of support. The levels of support directly correspond to the file format recommendations guide.

Table of Preservation Actions

Preservation Strategy Preservation Action Sustainable Supported Unsustainable
Bit-level Preservation DOI identifier for object x x x
Preservation metadata x x x
Secure storage and backup x x x
Regular virus checks x x x
Regular fixity checks x x x
Bitstream maintenance x x x
Transformation/Normalization x x x
Limited Preservation Strategically monitor format for changes x x  
Migrate to more preservable format NA x  
Full Preservation Migrate to successive format x    
The Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) is a university core research facility provided by the Purdue University Libraries and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships, with support from additional campus partners.