This is a compilation of field research data measuring nitrous oxide emissions from 55 different field crop experiments reported in 66 different publications. The data are mostly maize in the Corn Belt, but also include other crops and regions around the globe. All studies reported crop yield as well as N2O losses. Experiment dates range from 1993 to 2017. Map illustrates observations for which multiple non-zero N rates were monitored -- this is the restricted dataset used to determine the generalized relationship between N2O and N balance (where N balance is N inputs minus N removed). The dataset includes a total of 805 separate site-treatment-year observations, with up to 87 different variables for each observation.
This dataset contains yearly management, production, and N2O emission outcomes - along with other explanatory variables - drawn from temperate-region field crop experiments. Data subsets include: 1) maize in the North American Corn Belt on silt loam soils as published previously by McLellan et al. 2018, 2) additional observations for maize in the Corn Belt on silt loam soils, 3) maize in the Corn Belt grown on soils of other texture classes, 4) maize in the Corn Belt fertilized with livestock manure, and 5) other crops and regions. Yearly observations are averages of 3-4 replicates for each treatment-site, with measurement variability included where available. Most observations and explanatory variables originate from published data in peer-reviewed publications; some gaps were filled with data provided by field researchers, and weather and soil data gaps were filled using publicly available datasets.
The data are used in the following publication:
Eagle, A. J., McLellan, E. L., Brawner, E. M., Chantigny, M. H., Davidson, E. A., Dickey, J. B., et al. (2020). Quantifying onāfarm nitrous oxide emission reductions in food supply chains. Earth's Future, 8, e2020EF001504. 2020EF001504
Cite this work
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Eagle, A. J.; Brouder, S. M.; Cambareri, G.; Drury, C. F.; Parkin, T. B.; Smith, D. R.; Robertson, G. P.; Venterea, R. T.; Wagner-Riddle, C.; Pittelkow, C. M.; Omonode, R. A.; Vyn, T. J.; Pelster, D. E.; Chantigny, M. H. (2020). Nitrous oxide emissions and field-level nitrogen balance of maize and other field crops: Data for meta-analysis. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/DFB0-F030
[For data related to that published by Hoben et al. 2011. GCB 17:1140-52] Support for this research was also provided by the NSF Long-term Ecological Research Program (DEB 1832042) at the Kellogg Biological Station and by Michigan State University AgBioResearch.