Tags: Agriculture

All Categories (1-20 of 207)

  1. 2023 Diverse Corn Belt farmer survey data and metadata

    2025-09-01 00:00:00 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Rebecca Traldi, J. Arbuckle, Lauren Asprooth, Shadi Atallah, Sarah Church, Finnleigh Doherty, Laura A Esman, Kristin Floress, Benjamin Gramig, Elizabeth Maynard, Renae Miller, Aslihan Spaulding, Aaron W Thompson, Emily Usher, Linda Stalker ProkopyORCID logo | doi:10.4231/VRVP-K166

    The Diverse Corn Belt project's final dataset for a mail survey conducted with agricultural producers/landowners in Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa to identify pathways and barriers to diversifying the Midwestern agricultural landscape.


  2. Genetic and environmental variation in alfalfa forage yield from variety testing experiments conducted in North America between 1986 to 1999

    2023-05-25 19:01:50 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Daniel Wiersma, Wayne G. Hartman, Stanislav PejšaORCID logo, Sylvie BrouderORCID logo, Jeffrey VolenecORCID logo | doi:10.4231/Y31N-5R10

    The dataset contains data used to analyze genetic and environmental effects on alfalfa yield and agronomic performance. Data were compiled from alfalfa variety tests conducted by University researchers in the US and Canada from 1986 through 1999.


  3. Volume Measurement of Biological Materials in Livestock or Vehicular Settings Using Computer Vision

    2022-08-25 00:09:25 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Matthew B Rogers, Dennis Buckmaster | doi:10.4231/NE9P-HC76

    A Velodyne Puck VLP-16 LiDAR and a Carnegie Robotics Multisense S21 stereo camera were compared for use in dusty agricultural conditions in a dust chamber. Next, the stereo camera was used for volume measurements in a feed bunk and in a grain truck.


  4. Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region 2021

    2022-05-09 19:20:56 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Adam Nicholas Brock, Guohong Cai | doi:10.4231/8FTE-B575

    This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2021 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.


  5. Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region 2020

    2022-05-09 19:19:19 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Adam Nicholas Brock, Guohong Cai | doi:10.4231/ZWFR-8Y15

    This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2020 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.


  6. Likely Extent of Agricultural Drainage in the U.S. Midwest

    2022-03-10 15:56:50 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Jane FrankenbergerORCID logo, Benjamin ReinhartORCID logo, Ben Hancock | doi:10.4231/NJTE-FA88

    This dataset provides 30 m resolution raster layers of the likely extent of drained agricultural lands in the U.S. Midwest based on soil and land use, and a file geodatabase with tables summarizing the extent by state, county, and HUC8 watershed boundary.


  7. Combine Kart Truck GPS Data Archive

    2021-12-08 21:03:48 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Yaguang ZhangORCID logo, James Krogmeier | doi:10.4231/4Z4S-M018

    GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.


  8. Dataset: Influence of phosphorus and potassium nutrition on alfalfa taproot reserve pools during cold acclimation in fall and initial growth in spring. Years 2002 to 2004. Throckmorton Purdue Agriculture Center.

    2021-08-13 20:13:17 | Datasets | Contributor(s): W. Kess Berg, Suzanne M. Cunningham, Sylvie M. BrouderORCID logo, Jeffrey J. VolenecORCID logo | doi:10.4231/5BQ9-2V23

    Concentrations of sugar, starch, protein, amino N, and RNA change in alfalfa taproots as plants acclimate for winter and when shoot growth resumes in spring. The direction and extent of these changes are altered by phosphorus and potassium...


  9. Arequipa Peru Agricultural Soil Chemistry with pXRF and VNIR spectroscopy

    2021-05-04 16:09:34 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Erika J FosterORCID logo, Sabina Yeasmin, Lucia Zuniga, Zachary Brecheisen, Abigail Tomasek, Martha Jimenez Castaneda, Walter D. Leon-Salas, Juan Lopa Bolivar, Darrell G SchulzeORCID logo, Martin Villalta Soto, Cliff T Johnston, Timothy Filley | doi:10.4231/MFTM-QC39

    Soil chemistry data for two agricultural areas: an irrigated desert in the Majes District and sites around the City of Arequipa. Data include soil wet chemistry (pH, EC, carbon, etc), and portable X-ray fluorescence and visible near infrared...


  10. Laryngeal demasculinization in wild Cane Toads varies with land use

    2021-03-03 18:07:44 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Sara ZlotnikORCID logo, Marcos Gridi-Papp, Ximena E BernalORCID logo | doi:10.4231/VWVS-M579

    We examined wild populations of cane toads near sugarcane fields in Florida and found evidence of demasculinization in both primary and secondary sexual traits in male toads. Males from sugarcane areas have reduced larynges than toads from the city.


  11. Monitored soil moisture and temperature in Indiana crop rotated field

    2020-11-23 16:58:27 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stuart D Smith, Keith A CherkauerORCID logo, Laura C BowlingORCID logo | doi:10.4231/FM0P-AJ03

    Soil moisture and temperature data were collected at five different depths from October 2017 to September 2020 in a crop rotated field.


  12. Nitrous oxide emissions and field-level nitrogen balance of maize and other field crops: Data for meta-analysis

    2020-09-11 19:10:32 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Alison J. Eagle, Sylvie M. BrouderORCID logo, Gustavo Cambareri, Craig F. Drury, Timothy B. Parkin, Douglas R. Smith, G. Philip Robertson, Rodney T. Venterea, Claudia Wagner-Riddle, Cameron M. Pittelkow, Rex A. Omonode, Tony J. Vyn, David E. Pelster, Martin H. Chantigny | doi:10.4231/DFB0-F030

    Dataset for meta-analysis establishing generalized relationship between N2O emissions and field-crop partial N balance. Quantifying on-farm N2O emissions for food-supply chains.


  13. Datasets describing monarch immature and adult performance when reared on milkweed host-plants varying in pesticides

    2020-08-18 18:22:46 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Paola Olaya-ArenasORCID logo, Kayleigh Hauri, Michael E. ScharfORCID logo, Ian KaplanORCID logo | doi:10.4231/K9FH-7053

    Files reporting data used in Olaya-Arenas et al 2020 study published in Scientific Reports on monarch performance when reared as larvae with varying pesticide types and concentrations.


  14. Alfalfa Variety Trial Database, 1986-1999

    2020-07-08 13:49:52 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Daniel Wiersma, Wayne G. Hartman, Stanislav PejšaORCID logo, Sylvie Brouder, Jeffrey Volenec | doi:10.4231/PHKH-4334

    An archived copy of the Alfalfa Variety Performance Database originally compiled in 2000 by Daniel W. Wiersma and Wayne G. Hartman. It contains data on yield, quality, and plant stand for over 2900 varieties from 700+ experiments conducted from...


  15. Archived standard tests to characterize stress tolerance and agronomic performance of alfalfa cultivars

    2020-07-08 13:31:36 | Datasets | Contributor(s): North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference, Stanislav PejšaORCID logo, Jeffrey VolenecORCID logo | doi:10.4231/N24B-MV16

    The dataset contains standard test protocols used to characterize alfalfa cultivars compiled by the The North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference.


  16. Data Sets for: Quantifying the Impacts of Compound Extremes on Agriculture and Irrigation Water Demand

    2020-06-30 03:54:45 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Iman HaqiqiORCID logo, Danielle Grogan, Thomas HertelORCID logo, Wolfram Schlenker | doi:10.4231/0M14-EY38

    Metrics of heat stress, water stress, and compound extremes for agriculture for US counties for 1981-2015.


  17. Metadata for alfalfa varieties and experimental lines 1986 to 1999

    2020-06-15 15:07:58 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Daniel W. Wiersma, Wayne G. Hartman, Stanislav PejšaORCID logo, Sylvie BrouderORCID logo, Jeffrey VolenecORCID logo | doi:10.4231/FMY9-6966

    A compiled dataset of the metadata for alfalfa varieties and experimental lines from the Alfalfa Variety Performance Database 1986 to 1999.


  18. Genetic and environmental variation in alfalfa forage yield from variety testing experiments conducted in North America between 1986 to 1999

    2020-06-15 14:16:47 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Daniel Wiersma, Wayne G. Hartman, Stanislav PejšaORCID logo, Sylvie BrouderORCID logo, Jeffrey VolenecORCID logo | doi:10.4231/Y31N-5R10

    The dataset contains data used to analyze genetic and environmental effects on alfalfa yield and agronomic performance. Data were compiled from alfalfa variety tests conducted by University researchers in the US and Canada from 1986 through 1999.


  19. A global dataset of agricultural experiments quantifying organic amendment impact on soil carbon

    2020-06-07 20:19:55 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Erika J. FosterORCID logo, Courtland KellyORCID logo, Timothy Filley | doi:10.4231/ABA8-6762

    This database represents 62 field experiments that assess the impact of organic amendments on soil carbon fractions. The data include a set of moderators, such as climate, edaphic factors, and farm mangement details, and the soil C response...


  20. Combine Kart Truck GPS Data Archive

    2020-05-27 14:41:08 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Yaguang ZhangORCID logo, James Krogmeier | doi:10.4231/4Z4S-M018

    GPS data for agricultural vehicles collected during wheat harvesting.


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