PURR will have scheduled maintenance work on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. The platform will operate normally for most of the day, except for a short 30-minute interruption during night, sometime between 8 PM and 3 AM (EDT). Please plan accordingly and we do apologize for any inconvenience.

Text for Your Proposal

Use the following boilerplate text to describe PURR in your Data Management Plan:

Support for data management for this project throughout its lifecycle will occur using the Purdue University Research Repository (PURR), Purdue’s institutional data repository. PURR utilizes HUBzero®, a web-mediated software platform designed for scientific collaboration and sharing of scientific data that was developed with support from the National Science Foundation and Purdue University. PURR provides workflows and tools for ingestion, identification and dissemination of data as well as services to ensure data security, fidelity, backup, and mirroring. Purdue Libraries will consult with investigators to facilitate selection and ingestion of data with the application of appropriate descriptive metadata and data standards as well as to provide appraisal of data for long-term preservation and stewardship. PURR meets the standards for ISO 16363 Trusted Digital Repositories, and is pursuing CoreTrustSeal certification for Trustworthy Data Repositories through the World Data System. PURR comes with a set of default policies and functionality that addresses privacy and confidentiality, intellectual property and copyright, and access and sharing of data. Datasets published using PURR will be assigned Digital Objects Identifiers (DOIs) and will be exposed to the web using open standards to maximize discoverability and scholarly reuse of data. An allocation of resources from PURR has been reserved for this project and will be appropriated upon its award.

Suggested citation for proposal bibliography:

Purdue University. (2012). Purdue University Research Repository. Retrieved from https://purr.purdue.edu

The Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) is a university core research facility provided by the Purdue University Libraries and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships, with support from additional campus partners.
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