Online Spiritual Atlas of the Global East - Hong Kong (OSAGE-HK) Data

Listed in Datasets

By Fenggang Yang1, Kim-kwong Chan2, Charles Chang3, Bing Han4, Yuanfei Li4

1. Center on Religion and Chinese Society, Purdue University 2. University of Hong Kong 3. Duke-Kunshan University 4. Purdue University

OSAGE Religious data

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Version 1.0 - published on 29 Nov 2022 doi:10.4231/MTMA-8479 - cite this Archived on 29 Dec 2022

Licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal


The Online Spiritual Atlas of the Global East - Hong Kong (OSAGE-HK) was created by the Center on Religion and the Global East (CRGE) at Purdue University. OSAGE-HK allows users to visualize the spatial distribution of individual religious sites in Hong Kong, as well as see how districts compare with each other in terms of the number of religious sites. Currently, the data consists of 2,657 religious sites in the 18 districts in Hong Kong.

The data for religious sites was collected and provided by Dr. Kim-kwong Chan and his research assistant, Mr. Gao Xingdong, in 2022 based on the following criteria: 1) Physical location operated by a religious group, or organization by a religious practitioner who is in charge and responsible for such venue; 2) Registered address with the civil authority; 3) There are religious activities in these venues on a regular basis involving religious leaders and believers; 4) The venue is open to religious believers. The data for schools in Hong Kong is from Esrichinahk (July, 2022).

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