Archived data of the Biographical Dictionary of the Residents of the French Academy in Rome

Listed in Datasets

By Annie Verger, Gabriel Verger, Stanislav Pejša1, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel2, Catherine Dossin1

1. Purdue University 2. Université de Genève

Remediated and enhanced data of the Biographical Dictionary of the Residents of the French Academy in Rome for qualitative analysis of the prosopographic data of French artists - recipients of the Prix de Rome award between 1663 and 1968.

Additional materials available

Version 1.0 - published on 06 May 2021 doi:10.4231/2P0V-7Q31 - cite this Archived on 07 Jun 2021

Licensed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)



Annie and Gabriel Verger’s Biographical Dictionary of the Residents of the French Academy in Rome was published in 2011 as a book, before Annie and Gabriel Verger completed the dictionary and published it online as a digital database in collaboration with the Artl@s project in 2018. The Dictionary gathers information on all artists sent to Italy by the French State from 1666, when the government of Louis XIV established the Prix de Rome competition, until its abolition in 1968. The profiles of individual residents provide biographical and professional information, such as places of birth and death, studies, shipments of artworks from Rome (envois), occupations, academic appointments, and awards and honours. Information about institutions that hold primary documents on the artists is also included. The content of the dataset is mainly in French, the headers are in English.

The archived data were remedied and transformed in order to facilitate easier quantitative analysis and visualisation. Key dates were extracted into separate columns, personal and topographic names were normalised and reconciled with Wikidata. The Wikidata identifiers for the individual artists are provided, as well. The Wikidata schema that was used for creating the Wikidata item records is attached in documentation.

The online version of these data is available at For further information, see Annie Verger, “Rome vaut bien un prix. An Artistic Elite in the Service of the State: the Pensionnaires of the Académie de France in Rome, 1666- 1968.” Artl@s Bulletin 8, 2 (Summer 2019), at or in French at

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The dataset was converted from MySQL database stored within the Omeka platform and converted into a csv file on 10 February 2021. Some residual artefacts, such as html tags, were removed, when possible values were normalised and dates were extracted. Personal and geographic terms were normalised and reconciled with wikidata.

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