Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for the squared generalized Binet weight function

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By Walter Gautschi

Purdue University

A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for the squared generalized Binet weight function

Version 1.0 - published on 23 May 2020 doi:10.4231/5C5Z-H415 - cite this Archived on 23 Jun 2020

Licensed under Attribution 3.0 Unported


MATLAB software is provided for generating to any given accuracy n-point Gauss quadrature rules, n ≥ 1, relative to the squared generalized Binet weight function as well as approximations and respective errors for the  quadrature weights and for the Christoffel function.

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This dataset contains twenty MATLAB scripts and three text files.

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