Online Spiritual Atlas of China (OSAC) Data

Listed in Datasets

By Fenggang Yang1, Zhixin Li2, Christopher White3, Jonathan Pettit4, Charles Chang3

1. Center on Religion and Chinese Society, Purdue University 2. CRCS 3. Purdue University 4. University of Hawai'i

OSAC Religious mat data

Version 2.0 - published on 18 Sep 2019 doi:10.4231/ZN8M-KY34 - cite this Archived on 13 Nov 2019

Licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal

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The Online Spiritual Atlas of China was created by the Center on Religion and Chinese Society (CRCS) at Purdue University to complement the print volume, Atlas of Religion in China: Social and Geographical Contexts, by Fenggang Yang (Brill, 2018). OSAC allows users to visualize the spatial distribution of individual religious sites in China, as well as see how provinces, prefectures, and counties compare with each other in terms of the number of religious sites. Currently, the data comes from China’s 2004 Economic Census, which listed 72,887 religious sites from all of China’s 31 provinces or provincial-level regions and municipalities.

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