Self-Directed Information Literacy (SIL) Scale

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By Michael Fosmire1, Kerrie A Douglas2, Amy S Van Epps2, Senay Purzer2, Todd Fernandez3

1. Purdue University Libraries 2. Purdue University 3. Engineering Education

This self-report assessment tools measures students' perceptions of their use of information literacy skills when faced with an engineering task.

Version 1.0 - published on 23 Aug 2018 doi:10.4231/R790221G - cite this Archived on 23 Sep 2018

Licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internat. (CC BY-NC-SA)


The Self-directed Information Literacy (SIL) scale measures students’ self-perception of their use of high-quality information skills when faced with a design project.  SIL is based on self-directed learning theory (Knowles, 1975) and the information literacy standards for higher education (ACRL, 2000).  

SIL can be scored based on each subfactor to assess engineering and technology students’ specific self-directed information literacy skills (Recognize, Seek, Evaluate, Apply, Document, and Reflect) or scored as an overall broader measure of self-directedness with information. A separate factor, Novice Behaviors, can be used to moderate students’ tendency to report themselves as highly skilled. 

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