2012 Latino Immigrant National Election Study

Listed in Datasets

By James A. McCann1ORCID logo, Michael Jones-Correa2

1. Purdue University 2. Cornell University

Original national survey of the foreign-born Latino population in the US.

Version 1.0 - published on 21 Jul 2016 doi:10.4231/R7KS6PJK - cite this Archived on 25 Oct 2016

Licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal



Latino immigrants (N=1,304) were interviewed by telephone during and/or immediately after the 2012 national elections in the US.  Much of the instrumentation drew from the American National Election Study, so that immigrants could be compared to the public at large.  A special issue of the journal RSF (June, 2016) features ten research pieces that analyze the 2012 LINES dataset.

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LINES users wishing to integrate additional contextual variables with the survey data can contact the PIs for respondent geocoding information.

This dataset is also available from Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/studies/36680.

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