Tags: public opinion

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  1. 2012 Latino Immigrant National Election Study

    2016-07-21 20:28:00 | Datasets | Contributor(s): James A. McCannORCID logo, Michael Jones-Correa | doi:10.4231/R7KS6PJK

    Original national survey of the foreign-born Latino population in the US.


  2. 2016-2017 Latino Immigrant National Election Study (LINES)

    2021-09-15 14:15:36 | Datasets | Contributor(s): James A McCannORCID logo, Michael Jones-CorreaORCID logo | doi:10.4231/HV45-GE64

    Three-wave panel survey of Latino immigrants in the United States. N=2,560. The first wave was fielded in the summer of 2016, the second during the presidential transition period, and the third in the summer of 2017.


  3. Data for "Institutional hybridity and policy-motivated reasoning structure public evaluations of the Supreme Court"

    2023-09-11 19:57:52 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Shana Kushner Gadarian, Logan R StrotherORCID logo | doi:10.4231/0BTG-8D39

    We find strong evidence that the Court’s hybrid legal-political nature enables a unique form of policy-motivated reasoning.


  4. Strother & Bennett - Racial Group Affect and Support for Civil Liberties

    2021-07-23 15:36:05 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Logan R StrotherORCID logo, Daniel Bennett | doi:10.4231/4BG9-T520

    We use a series of survey experiments to assess public support for constitutional protections. We show that Americans hold civil liberties in high esteem, but opinion toward constitutional rights are significantly conditioned by group attitudes.


  5. Who thinks removing Confederate icons violates free speech?

    2021-07-20 19:48:26 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Nathan CarringtonORCID logo, Logan R StrotherORCID logo | doi:10.4231/8PGW-MH24

    The belief that removing Confederate icons from public spaces violates free expression rights occasionally makes its way into the national discourse. We collected data to ascertain who makes this argument and why.


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