Datasets: All

  1. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a weight function with a logarithmic type singularity

    2017-03-22 22:01:23 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7BR8Q6R

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=-log(1-x^2) on [-1,1]

  2. Associated Legendre polynomials

    2017-03-22 22:03:03 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7GH9FZH

    Matlab routines for the first N recurrence coefficients of associated Legendre polynomials

  3. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a generalized Jacobi weight function with Jacobi parameters -1/2, 3/2 and exponent -3/4

    2017-03-10 15:52:03 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7833Q1F

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=|x|^c*(1-x)^a*(1+x)^b on [-1,1], a=-1/2, b=3/2, c=-3/4

  4. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a generalized Jacobi weight function with Jacobi parameters -1/2, 3/2 and exponent 1

    2017-03-10 15:51:01 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7CV4FQ0

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=|x|^c*(1-x)^a*(1+x)^b on [-1,1], a=-1/2, b=3/2, c=1

  5. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a generalized Jacobi weight function with Jacobi parameters 3/2, -1/2 and exponent 1

    2017-03-10 15:50:23 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7HM56FQ

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=|x|^c*(1-x)^a*(1+x)^b on [-1,1], a=3/2, b=-1/2, c=1

  6. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a generalized Jacobi weight function with Jacobi parameters 3/2, -1/2 and exponent -3/4

    2017-03-10 15:49:47 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7NC5Z6H

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=|x|^c*(1-x)^a*(1+x)^b on [-1,1], a=3/2, b=-1/2, c=-3/4

  7. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients, obtained from moments, for a radiative transfer weight function with parameter c=16/3

    2017-03-10 15:47:54 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7PC30CQ

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=exp(-1/x) on [0,c], c=16/3

  8. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients, obtained from moments, for a radiative transfer weight function with parameter c=8/3

    2017-03-10 15:47:00 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7T43R2M

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=exp(-1/x) on [0,c], c=8/3

  9. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients, obtained from moments, for a radiative transfer weight function with parameter c=4/3

    2017-03-10 15:46:25 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7XS5SDR

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=exp(-1/x) on [0,c], c=4/3

  10. Generalized Gegenbauer polynomials

    2017-03-03 19:33:10 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R73J39ZH

    Matlab routine for the first N recurrence coefficients of generalized Gegenbauer polynomials

  11. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a Gegenbauer weight function with parameter λ=8 multiplied by an exponential function with coefficient a=-8

    2017-02-27 13:31:33 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7W093W1

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=(1-x^2)^(λ-1/2)*exp(-a*x^2) on [-1,1], λ=8, a=-8

  12. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a Gegenbauer weight function with parameter λ=8 multiplied by an exponential function with coefficient a=8

    2017-02-27 13:30:21 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R70R9MC1

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=(1-x^2)^(λ-1/2)*exp(-a*x^2) on [-1,1], λ=8, a=8

  13. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a Gegenbauer weight function with parameter λ=4 multiplied by an exponential function with coefficient a=8

    2017-02-27 13:29:22 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R74J0C39

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=(1-x^2)^(λ-1/2)*exp(-a*x^2) on [-1,1], λ=4, a=8

  14. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a Gegenbauer weight function with parameter λ=2 multiplied by an exponential function with coefficient a=8

    2017-02-27 13:28:05 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R78913V2

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=(1-x^2)^(λ-1/2)*exp(-a*x^2) on [-1,1], λ=2, a=8

  15. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the half-range Freud weight function with exponents mu=0, nu=3

    2017-02-27 13:26:49 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7D21VMV

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=x^μ*exp(-x^ν) on [0,Inf], μ=0, ν=3

  16. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Freud weight function with exponent 3

    2017-02-27 13:25:29 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7HT2M9T

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=|x|^μ*exp(-|x|^ν) on [-Inf,Inf], μ=0, ν=3

  17. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a half-range hyperexponential weight function

    2017-02-27 13:24:11 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7JQ0Z1W

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=exp(-exp(x)) on [0,Inf]

  18. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a Pollaczek-type weight function with parameter 1/10

    2017-02-27 13:22:52 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R7Z03656

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=exp(-(1-x^2)^(-a)) on [-1,1], a=1/10

  19. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a Pollaczek-type weight function with parameter 1/2

    2017-02-27 13:20:19 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R72R3PP7

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=exp(-(1-x^2)^(-a)) on [-1,1], a=1/2

  20. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a Pollaczek-type weight function with parameter 10

    2017-02-27 13:18:48 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Walter GautschiORCID logo | doi:10.4231/R76H4FFD

    32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the weight function w(x)=exp(-(1-x^2)^(-a)) on [-1,1], a=10

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