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Datasets: Datasets

  1. Foucault: Lecture 8, 17 December 1985

    2024-10-18 19:42:34 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/YQFG-WK90

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 17 December 1985. This is lecture 8 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  2. Foucault: Lecture 7, 10 December 1985

    2024-10-18 19:39:24 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/SC99-JQ76

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 10 December 1985. This is lecture 7 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  3. Foucault: Lecture 6, 26 November 1985

    2024-10-18 19:35:43 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/5HM4-EY81

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 26 November 1985. This is lecture 6 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  4. Foucault: Lecture 5, 19 November 1985

    2024-10-18 19:32:35 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/8324-4G90

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 19 November 1985. This is lecture 5 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  5. Foucault: Lecture 4, 12 November 1985

    2024-10-18 19:29:18 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/XQ1K-3Q66

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 12 November 1985. This is lecture 4 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  6. Foucault: Lecture 3, 05 November 1985

    2024-10-18 19:26:38 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/0DXP-R218

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 05 November 1985. This is lecture 3 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  7. Foucault: Lecture 2, 29 October 1985

    2024-10-18 18:01:43 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/GP0B-3A26

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 29 October 1985. This is lecture 2 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  8. Foucault: Lecture 1, 22 October 1985

    2024-10-18 17:16:37 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/ZB8H-YT44

    Lecture given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the University of Paris 8, 22 October 1985. This is lecture 1 of a 26-lecture seminar Deleuze taught between October 1985 and June 1986.


  9. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 10, 2 March 1976 (Part 2)

    2024-10-18 12:46:55 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/VZAD-BN24

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The tenth lecture was presented on 2 March 1976 (date approximate).


  10. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 9, 2 March 1976 (Part 1)

    2024-10-18 12:27:01 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/7VS9-JK89

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The ninth lecture was presented on 2 March 1976 (date approximate).


  11. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 8, 24 February 1976

    2024-10-18 12:22:34 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/NCA5-H531

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The eighth lecture was presented on 24 February 1976 (date approximate).


  12. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 7, 3 February 1976

    2024-10-18 12:04:59 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/XN3H-MW51

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The seventh lecture was presented on 3 February 1976 (date verified).


  13. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 6, 20 January 1976

    2024-10-18 11:54:33 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/7A4Z-DK57

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The sixth lecture was presented on 20 January 1976 (date approximate).


  14. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 5, 13 January 1976 (Part 2)

    2024-10-17 19:13:24 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/N04Q-JV46

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The fifth lecture was presented 13 January 1976 (date approximate).


  15. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 3, 16 December 1975

    2024-10-17 19:07:00 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/A6MK-VP50

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The third was presented 16 December 1975 (date approximate).


  16. A Thousand Plateaus I, RAI-3 Recordings, Lecture 2, 9 December 1975

    2024-10-17 19:05:32 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/PRSY-S096

    Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The second lecture was presented on 9 December 1975 (date approximate).


  17. Anti-Oedipus I: Logic of Flows, Lecture 9, 18 April 1972

    2024-10-17 17:34:22 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/V359-3185

    Seminar with only 9 sessions available, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the Vincennes University, 1971-72. The ninth lecture available was presented on 18 April 1972.


  18. Anti-Oedipus I: Logic of Flows, Lecture 8, 7 March 1972

    2024-10-17 17:31:39 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/YKVH-PS42

    Seminar with only 9 sessions available, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the Vincennes University, 1971-72. The eighth lecture available was presented on 7 March 1972.


  19. Anti-Oedipus I: Logic of Flows, Lecture 7, 22 February 1972

    2024-10-17 17:11:09 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/FZFB-H615

    Seminar with only 9 sessions available, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the Vincennes University, 1971-72. The seventh lecture available was presented on 22 February 1972.


  20. Anti-Oedipus I: Logic of Flows, Lecture 6, 15 February 1972

    2024-10-17 17:28:19 | Contributor(s): Gilles Deleuze, Daniel W SmithORCID logo, Charles Joseph StivaleORCID logo | doi:10.4231/T2J4-F169

    Seminar with only 9 sessions available, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze at the Vincennes University, 1971-72. The sixth lecture available was presented on 15 February 1972.


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