Row Selection in Remote Sensing for Maize and Sorghum

Listed in Datasets

By Mitchell R Tuinstra1ORCID logo, Seth A TolleyORCID logo

Purdue University

Remote sensing data evaluates all row segments of a plot, but the repeatability of traits from different row segments has not been evaluated. We evaluated which row segments provide the best repeatability and yield prediction of remote sensing...

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Version 1.0 - published on 26 Jul 2023 doi:10.4231/PF9S-4G38 - cite this Archived on 26 Jul 2023

Licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal



This repository is to provide data and R scripts using in the processing of doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1202536.

Abstract: Remote sensing enables the rapid assessment of many traits that provide valuable information to plant breeders throughout the growing season to improve genetic gain. These traits are often extracted from remote sensing data on a row segment (rows within a plot) basis enabling the quantitative assessment of any row-wise subset of plants in a plot, rather than a few individual representative plants, as is commonly done in field-based phenotyping. Nevertheless, which rows to include in analysis is still a matter of debate. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate row selection and plot trimming in field trials conducted using four-row plots with remote sensing traits extracted from RGB (red-green-blue), LiDAR (light detection and ranging), and VNIR (visible near infrared) hyperspectral data. Uncrewed aerial vehicle flights were conducted throughout the growing seasons of 2018 to 2021 with data collected on three years of a sorghum experiment and two years of a maize experiment. Traits were extracted from each plot based on all four row segments (RS) (RS1234), inner rows (RS23), outer rows (RS14), and individual rows (RS1, RS2, RS3, and RS4). Plot end trimming of 40 cm was an additional factor tested. Repeatability and predictive modelling of end-season yield were used to evaluate performance of these methodologies. Plot trimming was never shown to result in significantly different outcomes from non-trimmed plots. Significant differences were often observed based on differences in row selection. Plots with more row segments were often favorable for increasing repeatability, and excluding outer rows improved predictive modeling. These results support long-standing principles of experimental design in agronomy and should be considered in breeding programs that incorporate remote sensing. 

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