Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for Fig 4 from Chen et al. (2017)

Listed in Datasets publication by group The Weake lab

By Xinping Chen1, Hana Hall1, Jeffrey Simpson1, Walter Leon-Salas, Donald Ready, Vikki Weake2

1. Purdue University 2. College of Agriculture

Supporting confocal and electron microscopy images for Fig 4 from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Version 1.0 - published on 30 Oct 2017 doi:10.4231/R7X34VNF - cite this Archived on 28 Nov 2017

Licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal


Different genotypes of Drosophila melanogaster were subjected to blue light stress at 6 days post-eclosion and retinal degeneration was assayed by immunostaining retinas for the rhabdomere markers phalloidin and Rh1, and by electron microscopy. These original confocal and electron microscopy images were used to generate Figure 4 in Chen et al. (2017), and full details citing this study are provided in the accompanying series. The genotypes used here are UAS-transgenes expressed under control of the eye-specific Gal4 driver, LGMR-Gal4: UAS-luciferase (control), UAS-HMGCR, and UAS-CYTB5.

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