gSSURGO-based Floodplain Maps of Illinois

Listed in Datasets

By Venkatesh Mohan MerwadeORCID logo, Liuying Du, Nikhil Sangwan

This dataset provides a shapefile showing the natural floodplain for Illinois. These floodplain polygons for the entire state are extracted from the gSSURGO soil data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Version 1.0 - published on 20 Jul 2016 doi:10.4231/R7TD9V8K - cite this Archived on 10 Apr 2017

Licensed under Attribution 3.0 Unported


US national wide gSSURGO based floodplain maps are developed by using Gridded Soil Survey Geographic (gSSURGO) database. Specifically, the SSURGO map units are joined to certain key attributes in the muaggatt and component tables. After joining the spatial data to ‘muaggatt’ and ‘component’ tables, map unit polygons are selected by the following two queries: (1) "geomdesc" LIKE '%flood%' AND "comppct_r" >= 85) OR "taxsubgrp" LIKE '%fluv%'; (2) “muname" ='Water' OR "flodfreqdcd" in ('Rare', 'Occasional', 'Frequent', 'Very Frequent')". The result from this query, which is a polygon feature class or shapefile, is then dissolved to remove any area less than 15000 square meters are removed. More details about this approach can be found in the following publication: Sangwan, Nikhil, and V. Merwade, A faster and economical approach to floodplain mapping by using soil information, Journal of American Water Resources Association, 51(5): 1286-1304. (2015)

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Relation to series

The publication is part of the series below:

  • gSSURGO-based Floodplain Maps of the United States

    This series provides shapefiles showing the natural floodplain for the United States. These floodplain polygons are extracted from the gSSURGO soil data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).


This floodplain map was created with Esri ArcGIS 10.3.1, and revised in March 2016. It is in GCS North American 1983 coordinate system.

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