A model intercomparison analysis for controls...

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Peatland biogeochemical processes have not been adequately represented in existing earth system models, which might have biased the quantification of Arctic carbon-climate feedbacks. We revise the Peatland Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (PTEM) by incorporating additional peatland biogeochemical processes. The revised PTEM is evaluated by comparing with Holocene Peatland Model (HPM) in simulating peat physical and biogeochemical dynamics in three North American peatlands: a permafrost-free fen site, a permafrost-free bog site and a permafrost bog site. Peatland carbon dynamics are simulated from peat initiation to 1990 and then to year 2300. Model responses to the changes in temperature and precipitation are analyzed to identify key processes affecting peatland carbon accumulation rates. PTEM responses to key parameter are also examed. This dataset contains the simulation results from both models.



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