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  • Created 27 Aug 2018

The Project

The Deleuze Seminars project is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University. Led by the editorial team of Daniel W. Smith (Purdue University), Nicolae Morar (University of Oregon), and Thomas Nail (University of Denver), the project brings together a large collection of data from eight of Deleuze’s seminars spanning 1980-1986. Building on the efforts of the University of Paris VIII to convert the original analog audio recordings to a digital format and to make them available along with their French transcriptions, PURR has aggregated and archived this data here.

To make these seminars more easily accessible to researchers, PURR has packaged the data in easily downloadable bundles with robust metadata including English descriptions of the lectures. To expand the audience for these seminars, the editorial team is currently translating them into English.



Deleuze Seminars and Lectures in PURR


The Data

PURR has organized the data collection by seminar, which for the most part coincide with an academic year. Within each seminar is a varying number of lectures which have been organized chronologically, coinciding with the date Deleuze gave the lecture. The 8 Deleuze seminars which are currently being archived in PURR are:

The lectures are labeled by seminar title, lecture number and date, and are indexed by subject. Each lecture may be downloaded as a zipped bundle of files that includes:

  • 2-5 mp3 audio files (reflecting the breaks in the original analog recordings)
  • an aggregated audio file of the entire lecture
  • and the French transcript of the lecture in both pdf and plain text.

Future Work

As part of the ongoing efforts to make The Deleuze Seminars available to a wider audience, the editorial team has recently had its NEH grant funding renewed to further support translating the lectures into English. When these translations become available, a separate dataset containing the English translation (in both pdf and plain text) will be published for each lecture. When complete, The Deleuze Seminars will then have 2 datasets per lecture: one comprised of the French language content; and another for the English language translation.

To date, PURR has published the French language datasets for 4 entire seminars (linked to above). The editorial team is currently editing translations of the ‘Foucault’ seminar. PURR will update this page with expected dates of completion and developments in the progress of the translations accordingly.

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